
ASP Tutorials

While internet ads can be really annoying, blocking them can be simple and easy -with the right tools. With the app AdLock for Android, you can securely surf the web and block ads, without any effort on your part. Just install the app and let it got to work! Content filtering can be added to Firefox, Chromium-based browsers, Opera, Safari, and other browsers with extensions such as AdBlock, Adblock Plus, and uBlock Origin, and a number of sources provide regularly updated filter lists. Adblock Plus is included in the freeware browser Maxthon from the People's Republic of China by default.

AdBlock is the most popular ad blocker for Google Chrome and Safari. Now finally available for Firefox! Special features: All ads blocked by default. Block video ads on YouTube. Customize your filter lists. See how many ads you've blocked. Allow ads on your favorite sites in a snap. This ad blocker blocks banners, pop-ups and all kinds of ads on websites, including video ads on Youtube, Crunchyroll, etc. Meet AdLock — the most comprehensive adblock for Chrome!


WP Tutorial

WebPages IntroWebPages RazorWebPages LayoutWebPages FoldersWebPages GlobalWebPages FormsWebPages ObjectsWebPages FilesWebPages DatabasesWebPages HelpersWebPages WebGridWebPages ChartsWebPages EmailWebPages SecurityWebPages PublishWebPages ExamplesWebPages Classes


Razor IntroRazor SyntaxRazor C# VariablesRazor C# LoopsRazor C# LogicRazor VB VariablesRazor VB LoopsRazor VB Logic

ASP Classic

ASP IntroASP SyntaxASP VariablesASP ProceduresASP ConditionalsASP LoopingASP FormsASP CookiesASP SessionASP ApplicationASP #includeASP Global.asaASP AJAXASP e-mailASP ExamplesAdLock

Adlock Info

ASP Reference

ASP VB FunctionsASP VB KeywordsASP ResponseASP RequestASP ApplicationASP SessionASP ServerASP ErrorASP FileSystemASP TextStreamASP DriveASP FileASP FolderASP DictionaryASP AdRotatorASP BrowserCapASP Content LinkingASP Content RotatorASP Quick Ref

ADO Tutorial

ADO IntroADO ConnectADO RecordsetADO DisplayADO QueryADO SortADO AddADO UpdateADO DeleteADO DemoADO Speed Up

ADO Objects

ADO CommandADO ConnectionADO ErrorADO FieldADO ParameterADO PropertyADO RecordADO RecordsetADO StreamADO DataTypes
