Markdown Firefox

This morning, I’ve found a Firefox Add-on calledMarkdown Viewer. As its name suggests, it’s a Firefox pluginthat enables users to view Markdown documents. The screenshotprovided on the home page of the add-on illustrates that it works onM$ Win*. How about GNU/Linux? I clicked the button and installedthe plugin. After that, I used :restart in Vimperator to see whathappened if I used Firefox to view a local Markdown file withextension name .md.

It turned out that nothing happened! With Lai’s review titled Work onLinux, I figured out what to do. After looking at his suggested codefor vi ~/.mozilla/firefox/*default/mimeTypes.rdf, I really tested itand it worked. Critical readers will then ask about the way toinclude multiple file extensions.

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. Created by John Gruber in 2004, Markdown is now one of the world’s most popular markup languages. Using Markdown is different than using a WYSIWYG editor. In an application like Microsoft Word, you click buttons to format words. Secure Markdown Formatter. It free and easy to use and formatter and Markdown Beautifier also Support Markdown File and URL. Markdown Editor for Firefox also comes with one-click HTML conversion, file support and other discreet gems.

Markdown FirefoxFirefox

Browsing the code with # in the RDF file helps. Here’s what myresults.

According to a question on Super User, we use more thanone extension name for a Markdown file. However, a GNU/Linux usershould never use .md.

Finally, combining Lai’s and Cas’s posts, I’ve come up witha Gist.

Posted via UltraBlog.vim.

In the past you installed a Markdown Viewer plugin on Firefox and was able to open .md files that are of the type Markdown. But after the 57 version of Firefox, this is no longer possible, every time you try to open a file with Ctrl + o this box appears with this information:


That is, the browser asks if you want to open with a text editor or download the file that is already on your machine.

If you just install plugins it will not solve, you need to follow the following steps:

Notice that it shows a file for mime-types that must be saved on your computer, exactly in the informed path: ~/.mime.types. It is even possible to edit the path by the browser itself by clicking on the edit icon, but we will take this path and file name as default, even because it is standard! ☺

Let’s create the file:

And inside it we will insert the following content:

Markdown Firefox Viewer

As a result we inform you what types of files we want Firefox to open directly in the browser, if you want more files feel free to inform. I know that txt already opens by default, but there will be no problem re-formatting.

But notice that the Markdown is not rendered but the code is displayed as a text file. In the next step we will change that!

Markdown Firefox 2020


Markdown Here Firefox

You can still customize the CSS to make it the way you want, centralized, for example as I did and is in the image, by going to:

☰ → Extensions → … (from plugin) → Preferences → Preferences (from plugin)

And below the field to insert your CSS, in my case I inserted: body {max-width: 1000px; margin: auto; } as in the image below:


Easy, right ?! ☺