Excel Vba Syntax Cheat Sheet

The VBA Time Saver Kit is a need-to-have kit for beginner and advanced VBA coders. It makes your life easier as a VBA developer and makes it the first place to go for VBA code snippets and examples.

  1. Excel Vba Syntax Cheat Sheet
  2. Vba Code Writing Cheat Sheet
  3. Excel Vba Syntax Cheat Sheet Free
  4. Excel Vba Syntax Cheat Sheet Download

A function similar to a Subroutine, requires that you return some data back, you can pass arguments just like above. SYNTAX Public Function MyFunc As DataType Return Data End Function EXAMPLE Public Function Tomorrow As Date Dim CurrentDate As Date = DateTime.Now Return CurrentDate.AddDays(1) End Function. Excel Cheat Sheet Basic Skills The Excel Program Screen Keyboard Shortcuts Getting Started Create a Workbook: Click the File tab and select New or press Ctrl + N. Double-click a workbook. Open a Workbook: Click the File tab and select Open or press Ctrl + O. Select a recent file or navigate to the location where the file is saved. Sep 10, 2019 - VBA Cheat Sheet. VBA syntax, variables, loops, conditions, Classes, Types, Enumerations etc. The best VBA cheat sheet out there! These six cheat sheets truly are filled with everything you need to know to become an Excel VBA expert. Because we made them with you in mind, each page of our multi-column cheat sheets are packed full of information designed to make you a better VBA developer.The next time you're working on a program, simply apply the tricks in our cheat sheets and copy and paste fully functional macros.

The Toolkit consists of:

  • XLSM file with examples and all modules included
  • Folder including BAS files – separate module in each to make it easy to include or exclude the right modules

What does it contain?

Ever got stuck trying to remind yourself what was the name of that VBA function? Googling again for a commonly used VBA code snippet? Struggling to remember the syntax of the Do Until loop or Select Case conditional statements? The VBA Time Saver Kit is just what most VBA beginner and advanced developers needs.

A rich collection of ready VBA Code Snippets – each with a ready-to-run example
A VBA Reference of 50 links to VBA native functions sorted into 4 basic categories: Conversion, Date, File and String Functions. Basic examples of creating loops, conditional statements and a list of basic VBA Data Types

VBA Code Module Snippets

The VBA Timer Saver is a collection of code snippets / assets that have been built over time on AnalystCave.com. VBA Code Snippets have been groups into over 11 unique Code Modules with Code Snippets you use on a Daily Basis when programming in Excel VBA.

Code Modules have been separated to allow you to import them (*.bas files) to your project at ease on demand whenever you are struggling with a particular tasks e.g. Reading/Writing to Files, wanting to present Macro execution progress via a Progress Bar and much more.

Click on the images below to learn more what is contained in VBA Timer Saver package:


Who will find it useful?

The VBA Time Saver Kit is dedicated equally to VBA Beginners (easy VBA Function reference, code examples) as well as Advanced VBA Coders (ready useful code snippets).

VBA Beginners will find the VBA Time Saver Kit especially useful when trying to reference available VBA Functions. The Kit groups most available VBA Functions into 4 categories: Dates, Strings, Files and Conversions – all linking out to function definitions here at AnalystCave. It contains ready easy to reference examples of VBA Loops and Conditional statements.

Advanced VBA codes will appreciate the collection of VBA time saving code modules, often complex functions that prove useful during mundane coding tasks. Cool examples include an advanced progress bar (userform), functions for measuring code execution (up to milliseconds), creating arrays from strings and even a function allowing you to create an additional VBA thread!

Installation Notes

Be aware the VBA Time Saver contains a variety of VBA Code Snippets, some of which may not work on Mac OS due to a lack of system libraries to support these features.

Be aware some Antivirus (at least Avast, ClamAV and Rising) software may incorrectly assess that the Kit contains a Virus. This is not the case. If you get a notification like this please reach out to me directly at analystcave(at)gmail.com to receive the Kit in another format.

Download the VBA Time Saver Kit

To receive a one-time download link to the provided email, proceed to payment by clicking on the Buy Now button below. Thank you in advance for purchasing the Kit and supporting new exciting posts and tools from AnalystCave!

Have questions or issues with purchasing/downloading the AddIn? Write directly to me at analystcave(at)gmail.com!

Welcome to the ultimate Excel VBA Tutorial (Visual Basic for Applications)! You will walk the journey from being an VBA Zero to becoming an VBA Hero. This VBA tutorial is not aimed only at teaching you how to write VBA macros in Excelit’s a general introduction to VBA. However, some sections as you will notice are indeed aimed at Excel (e.g. the Workbooks and Worksheets section).

Prefer books? Checkout my recommended VBA books
Prefer learning from videos? Checkout my recommended VBA Video Tutorials

Visual Basic Editor Tutorial

To start programming in VBA you need to be able to access the Developer ribbon tab in Excel to open the VBA Developer environment (VBE). Read the article to learn how to:

You will learn:

  • Enable the Excel Developer ribbon tab
  • Walkthrough of the VBE windows
  • Shortcuts how to open the VBA window

How to Record Macros

Recording macros is a great way to test and learn writing new code. Simply record a series of steps and see what the output code looks like instead of Googling it.

You will learn:

Excel Vba Syntax Cheat Sheet

  • Record your first Excel macro
  • Run the recorded macro
  • Review the generated code

How to Debug VBA

Vba excel cheat sheet pdf

Debugging code is the process of line by line code execution often to understand the process and to identify and resolve macro runtime errors. Learning to debug VBA code in the Excel VBE is key skill.

You will learn:

  • How to Run, Break or Reset your code
  • Learn what are breakpoints and how to use them
  • See how to run your code step by step and the various debugging shortcuts

Vba Code Writing Cheat Sheet

VBA Functions and Procedures

To execute VBA Code you need to start with a VBA Sub (procedure). VBA Functions on the other hand allow you process and input to return and output that can be used for other purposes.

You will learn:

  • Create your first Hello World VBA macro using a VBA Sub
  • Learn the basics of VBA Subs as well as how they are different from VBA Functions
  • Understand how you can pass arguments to a Sub/Function

VBA Variables

In order to process data you need to store it somewhere. In this tutorial you will learn how to use the VBA Dim statement to declare VBA Variables and all Data Types available in VBA (strings, numbers etc.).

You will learn:

Excel Vba Syntax Cheat Sheet Free

  • The available data types in VBA
  • How to declare and define variables
  • Constants vs Variables
  • Private vs Public Variables

VBA Conditions – If…Else

Making decisions is hard, but a must in programming. The VBA If…Then…Else statement is a basic conditional statement for making simple boolean decisions in your VBA code.

You will learn:

  • The If…Else statement to run code basis conditions met
  • Boolean operators such as <, = etc.
  • The Iif function

VBA Select Case

The VBA If statement is great for writing several conditions. In some cases, however, there is a need to enumerate many scenarios based on values of specific variables. The VBA Select Case statement saves a lot of time compared to VBA If.

You will learn:

Excel Vba Syntax Cheat Sheet Download

  • The Switch…Case statement to run several conditions basis a single variable
  • Case Is statment

Using VBA Loops: For, ForEach

VBA For loops are necessary for running a scope of code several times, enumerating through tables or running code in a simple loop.

You will learn:

  • The For…Next statement to run iterations basis a variable
  • The ForEach…Next statement iterate a collection
  • For vs ForEach and when each should be used

Using VBA Loops: Do While, Do Until

VBA For loops allow you to run a loop for a specific amount of iterations. For cases when a loops needs to be run until a condition is met (Do Until) or needs to run while a condition is met (Do While), read the tutorial.

You will learn:

  • Do…While and Do…Until loops
  • How to exit / continue a Do…While Loop

Excel VBA Range

Learn how to change values of cells in Excel, change the format of an Excel Range etc. Go to the tutorial to learn everything of how to interact in your VBA Macro with an Excel worksheet.

Excel Cells Formatting

Learn in this tutorial to format Excel cells – change their size, background color, borders, style and more.

VBA UserForm

UserForms allow you to create you own pop-up windows for users to interact with, similar to Message Boxes.